Weather & Climate Change in black and white

weather / climate change

when people grumble about the weather here in Newfoundland and Labrador, as they sometimes do, the standard conclusion (redemption?) is ‘we don’t live here for the weather’.

talk of global warming and climate change can seem like a problem far far away.  climate change is normal, right?  hot days in Newfoundland and Labrador are good, right?  icebergs are fabulous for tourism, right?   yes yes yes, but there is the biggest kind of a butt to it:  the hottting up too fast is not going to go well for us in the big picture.  not well at all.

This vid isn’t about doom, it’s about understanding what is happening all around us. music and animation by Jeff Smyth, produced by David Maher, voice of Megan Stuckless (Senior Public Education and Outreach Officer of Conservation Corps NL).  Neat, sweet in black and white.  (first of a series – keep an eye out for the next vid!).

in July and August 2014 Conservation Corps Green Team – Tamara Segura, Chris Ball, David Maher and Team Lead Jeff Smyth talked and taped, walked in the sun, swung on the swings, got out there and got inspired by the great green good going on in the Northeast Avalon.  Over the coming months their work will be released on Conservation Corps Green Team 2014 was sponsored by Junior Forest Wardens NL.  (thank you!)



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