Green Tips #2 – green at home


as it happens here in St. John’s, warm weather is not a distant memory this November 2.  lovely as the sunny skies and warm winds are, it’s a call to ramp up the green living at home.  perfect for’s CCNL Green Team’s second Green Tips vid.  Join David as he talks about compost, saving energy, and what to do with hazardous waste.

As well as hosting, David Maher did the editng and music, with Tamara Segura and Chris Ball co-directing and doing videography.

in July and August 2014 Conservation Corps Green Team – Tamara Segura, Chris Ball, David Maher and Team Lead Jeff Smyth talked and taped, walked in the sun, swung on the swings, got out there and got inspired by the great green good going on in the Northeast Avalon.  Over the coming months their work will be released on Conservation Corps Green Team 2014 was sponsored by Junior Forest Wardens NL.  (thank you!)

