5H giving: #g2kgtg

5H Givingturns out this #g2kgtg notion is a thang!  thanks to my friend Martha Muzychka for pointing me toward 5H Giving.

5H is kind of a giving philosophy.  the 5H shorthand refers to gifts that are:

homemade (made by you) – what do you love to make?  share that  cookies, playlists, photos… all that..

handmade (made by someone else’s hands in their little place) – the year’s best opportunities for homemade are coming up!  check out the Farmers’ Market, Some Good Market, and the Anna Templeton Christmas Tea and Sale

healthy (good for your body, soul or our collective planet) – om. yoga fits everyone. lots of yoga styles, and lots of options for gift passes. check out Nova Yoga, and Yoga Kula Co-op 

brown trouthelpful (helps someone or something).  maybe something like a membership to the Salmonid Association of Eastern Newfoundand for the Angler you love.  SAEN has done a LOT to nurture our rivers and streams, and due in part to their efforts you can trout in the rivers in the middle of St. John’s, or just walk by and enjoy. No. Small. Thing.  email them saen@nfld.com.

from here (things that are ours alone) – Newfoundland Chocolate Company makes the chockie on Duckworth Street (and now at the Mall too), Jumping Bean Coffee roasts the beans here, and sells lovely things from their storefront on Harvey Road, and locally published books are beautiful, smart, and support local in every which way.  check out Boulder Publications!




good to know gifts that give (#g2kgtg) is a special project of thegreenrock.ca that looks at local gifts that people will like, use, and won’t leave an unnecessarily big footprint on the planet or humankind.  please like and share!

thegreenrock.ca is a non-profit that informs and inspires people in Newfoundland and Labrador on ways to address the challenges facing our planet, our communities, and our lives.  like and share!                   facebook thegreenrock.ca, google+ thegreenrock.ca